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What’s inside the Open Centre?

Here is a sneak peak at what the Open Centre looks like inside, now we have added some of the finishing touches to our new premises.

The Main Room consists of a Comfy Seating Area, where visitors can explore various religious artefacts and read information about the Open Centre. A Music Area – for visitors to experiment making different sounds using a variety of interesting and unusual instruments. A Marriage Area, where students can rein act a marriage from a different culture – including wearing all the glamorous clothes. A Work Station for visitors to record their thoughts and ideas and finally we have two built in ipads that visitors can use to explore some of the videos and materials from the ‘Our Heritage’ project.

This is not the only room we use, as we have access to other rooms in our building. So why not pop down and see what you might find?

Artefacts to explore
Artefacts to explore
Family Information
Family Information
An area to relax and explore in
An area to relax and explore in
Use the Ipads to find out more information
Use the Ipads to find out more information
Some photographs of different activities
Some photographs of different activities
An area to record your thoughts
An area to record your thoughts
Explore different sounds and instruments
Explore different sounds and instruments
An area to rein act a marriage ceremony
An area to rein act a marriage ceremony



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