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New Workshops

At the Open Centre we are always looking for new and exciting sessions we can provide for schools and organisations – many of which schools could not facilitate themselves. Many of our workshops arise from schools asking us to create something bespoke for their children. We often find then that other schools are also interested in this type of workshop and as a result – a new workshop is born!

Over the past eight months, we have been busy behind the scenes developing a range of new workshops for schools to choose from. Many have come about so fast – they haven’t even made it onto a workshop page yet!

Below is a list of some of our new workshops/activities;
*Ramadan Workshop
*Islamic Celebrations Workshop
*Islamic Prayer Workshop
*Cultural/Religious Dress Workshop
*Shabbat Workshop
*Hanukkah Workshop
*Synagogue Experience Workshop
*Jewish Celebrations Workshop
*Sikhi Experience Workshop
*Life after death Workshop
*Tour of Normanton Trail

Many of these activities can be tailored for different age groups/Key Stages. Please get in touch if you would like to know more about any of the activities listed above or if you have something specific in mind you would like us to look into for you.

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