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Bookings Update – September 2020

Despite the current situation, globally, the Open Centre is still receiving booking enquiries for visits and sessions. This is wonderful news as it shows Religious Education is still very much on the agenda for schools!

We are however remaining cautious regarding bookings as we are in uncharted territory. The safety of our staff is paramount, as nearly all our staff are from ethnic minority groups, some of whom are four times more likely to catch the coronavirus to those who are not from an ethnic minority background. We are also in the process of arranging meetings with all our places of worship to discuss what is the safest way moving forward to host visits. I am sure you will agree that as government guidelines keep changing, it makes the process more and more difficult. In addition to this, the places of worship themselves have a majority of their community from those ethnic minority backgrounds, so their priority it to keep their community safe. We will keep you posted regarding any updates for visits to places of worship. Please check this area of the website or our social media for the most up to date information.

Visits to schools are also something we are happy to explore providing both our risk assessments meet the necessary requirements to keep both Open Centre staff and children safe. Please feel free to contact the office for more information.

We are also currently in the process of launching some online resources linked to the new agreed syllabus. Please keep a look out for more information regarding this new service. We are expecting to launch this in October 2020.

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