Countering Antisemitism

Welcome to the Countering Antisemitism Project Page

Thank you for taking part in this Open Centre/Hate Crime Innovation fund project.  Please show these presentations throughout the next three months.

We would also be grateful if you could fill out the attached pre-viewing questionnaire and the attached post viewing questionnaire at the end of the project. This can either be done by individual teachers or by the school co-ordinator of this project.

Presentation 1

  • This presentation can stand on its own, but it ideally an introduction to presentation 2.
  • It covers what hate crime is, what Antisemitism is, and how to seek support in the event of being subject to or a witness of a hate crime
  • It is designed to fill 10 minutes of tutor period time but that will depend on how long students are given to feedback ideas.
  • We recommend staff familiarise themselves with the presentation before showing to the class.
  • The presentation is designed to just run through as a video or clicked through on powerpoint so they can be paused, when a discussion may be required or needed.
  • There are a few question slides designed to be discussed with the group. Please pause at these and discuss with students. If using via powerpoint – comments are indicated on the slides.
  • Attached is a document with some longer biographical notes to help teachers

Presentation 2

  • This presentation covers antisemitic tropes and how to spot them. It ends with a repeat of support on offer locally.
  • Again, this presentation is designed to fill 10 minutes of tutor period time. This part is longer as there are no discussion questions.
  • This presentation can be simply play through.
  • There are no discussion questions, but students may wish to share thoughts and observations at the end.

You can either run the powerpoint through the file above or watch it as a video below. Please feel free to choose which ever option suits you best.

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