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Schools and Visits – Week Commencing 11th January 2016

A Happy New Year to everyone!!!

The Open Centre has started off 2016 with an extremely busy period, with an estimated 800 visitors set to visit during January compared to the previous years average of 400. It is great everyone is wanting to experience and promote cultural diversity.

The first visit of the new year started off with Parkview Primary School who visited the Sikh Gurdwara (11th January) and the following week came back to visit the Mosque.

Lawn Primary also visited the Mosque along with Hady Primary who then took part in an Asian Cookery Workshop.

Lawn Primary – Yasmin Ayub – Teacher Commented;

“The visit today was very good. The kids enjoyed it and were asking lots of questions. The host was very good with the children and made it interesting for them.”

Riddings Infant School visited the Hindu Temple with their year 1 children and spent the afternoon taking part in our Marriage Workshops.

Crich Carr Primary School also came all the way from Whatstanwell to visit Jamia Mosque with 31 of their children.

The week ended with two Asian Cookery Workshops at Brookfield Primary School in Mansfield.

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