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Staff Training Event on Faith Trails – January 2016

As with everything, there is always room for improvement. At the Open Centre, we pride ourselves on providing a quality and differentiated service for all visitors.

As a result we closely monitor our staff and provide opportunities for further training to ensure we are only ever providing the best service inline with the agreed syllabuses.

Observations were carried out on all staff between September 2015 and December 2015 along with using feedback obtained through our feedback forms. Therefore our main focus was to look at how we can make our Faith Trails even more interactive.

Staff were shown examples of interactive activities that are in line with elements of the agreed syllabuses for all age groups and which would be suitable enough to carry out in the places of worship. The staff then spent the afternoon making their own resources for each place of worship based on these models.

So keep a look out for these activities during your faith trails.

As always, we will always welcome your feedback.

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