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Schools and Visits – Week Commencing 8th February 2016

Another busy week at the Open Centre as we wind down ready for half term.

The week started off with Yoxall St Peter’s Primary School who brought their year 3 children to visit the Mosque and Hindu Temple.

Yoxall St Peter’s Primary – Victoria Williams – Teacher Commented

“Very friendly staff, encouraged children to be part of the experience and share value and customs.”

Along with Shirland Primary School who brought 44 children in Year 5 and Year 6 as they visited the Mosque along with the Sikh Gurdwara.

Shirland Primary School – Amy Hukins – Teacher Commented

“All of our pupils really enjoyed their visit today. They really developed their understanding of and tolerance towards people with different faiths and beliefs. They particularly enjoyed sampling the food at the Gurdwara.”

Riverview Primary School from Burton completed their four visits with a total of 141 children visiting the Mosque, Hindu Temple and the Sikh Gurdwara.

Riverview Primary School – B Lloyd Brown – Teacher Commented

“Thank you to you and your colleagues for sharing your beliefs with us. Everybody was extremely welcoming in all places visited. It was a special trip. Thank you.”

Waterhouses Primary School came for an Islamic experience as they visited the Mosque and took part in a Marriage Workshop.

Waterhouses Primary School – Anne Lockey – Teacher Commented

“Great! Thanks! We’ll come again.”

Howitt Primary School also brought their Year 4 children to see the beautiful Hindu Temple, on Wednesday.

To complete the week Newhall Infant and Nursery School had two Marriage Workshops on site.

We hope everyone has a lovely half term and we will see you all again on Monday 22nd February.

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